What weather to expect in Sweden

The climate of Sweden is temperate in south, you can expect cold and quite cloudy winters, and cool and partly cloudy summers. In the north the climate is subarctic. But generally speaking Sweden has on average the warmest summer of all the Nordic countries.

When speaking about the usual weather in this state, the information is relevant for example for these popular places: Abisko, Alingsås, Arboga, Arvika, Avesta, Bergslagen, Blekinge, Blekinge archipelago, Boden, Bohuslän, Bolmsö, Borensberg, Borlänge, Borås, Burträsk, Båstad, Dalarna, Dalsland, Diving in Sweden, Ekerö, Eksjö, Enköping, Eskilstuna, Eslöv, Fagersta, Falkenberg, Falköping, Falun, Filipstad, Flen, Fårö, Gagnef, Gnesta, Gothenburg, Gothenburg Archipelago, Gotland, Gotska Sandön, Grums, Gränna, Gällivare, Gävle, Gävleborg County, Götaland, Hagfors, Halland, Hallsberg, Hallstahammar, Halmstad, Haparanda, Heby, Helsingborg, Hemavan, Hofors, Holaveden, Hudiksvall, Hultsfred, Hällefors and Grythyttan, Härjedalen, Härnösand, Håbo, Höganäs, Höör, Jokkmokk, Jukkasjärvi, Jämtland County, Järvsö, Jönköping, Kalmar, Karesuando, Karlsborg, Karlshamn, Karlskoga and Degerfors, Karlskrona, Karlstad, Karlsöarna, Katrineholm, Kebnekaise and Nikkaluokta, Kil, Kiruna, Kiruna Municipality, Knivsta, Kramfors, Kristianstad, Kristinehamn, Kullaberg, Kumla, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, Kvikkjokk, Kävlinge, Köping, Landskrona, Laponia, Leksand, Lidingö, Lidköping, Linköping, Ljusdal, Ludvika, Luleå, Lund, Lycksele, Lysekil, Malmö, Malung, Mariestad, Mark, Marstrand, Mjölby, Mora, Motala, Märsta, Mölle, Nora, Norberg, Norrbotten County, Norrköping, Norrland, Norrtälje, Northern suburbs of Stockholm, Nybro, Nyköping, Närke, Ockelbo, Orrefors, Orsa, Orust, Oskarshamn, Oxelösund, Pajala, Piteå, Riksgränsen, Ronneby, Rättvik, Sala, Sandviken, Scania, Sigtuna, Siljansbygden, Simrishamn, Skara, Skellefteå, Skövde, Småland, Stockholm, Stockholm County, Stockholm archipelago, Storlien, Storuman, Strängnäs and Mariefred, Strömstad, Sundsvall, Svealand, Sveg, Sälen, Söderhamn, Söderköping, Södermanland County, Södertälje, Södertörn, Söderåsen National Park, Sölvesborg, Taberg, Tanum, Tidaholm, Tierp, Trelleborg, Trollhättan, Trosa, Tällberg, Uddevalla, Umeå, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Uppsala countryside, Vadstena, Vaggeryd, Vansbro, Varberg, Vellinge, Vemdalen, Ven, Vimmerby, Visby, Visingsö, Vänersborg, Värmland, Värnamo, Västerbotten County, Västergötland, Västernorrland County, Västervik, Västerås, Västmanland, Växjö, Ystad, Älmhult, Älvdalen, Älvkarleby, Älvsbyn, Ängelholm, Åre, Årjäng, Åstorp, Öland, Örebro, Örnsköldsvik, Östergötland, Österlen, Östersund, Östhammar.

Let's look now what weather you can expect in the area around the capital and in many other cities. The warmest month here is July, the average maximum temperature is 22.6 ℃ (72.68 ℉). The average minimum temperature in this month is 13 ℃ (55.4 ℉). The coldest month here is January, the average maximum temperature is -0.8 ℃ (30.56 ℉). The average minimum temperature in this month is -4.9 ℃ (23.18 ℉). The most rainy month here is January, the average number of rainy days is 18.4. The least rainy month here is May, the average number of rainy days is 11.

When travelling to some places in Sweden, always consider the altitude of the the place as well. The highest point here is Kebnekaise (2111 m) and the lowest point is reclaimed bay of Lake Hammarsjon near Kristianstad (-2 m). So there are quite big differences in altitudes in this country, so you can expect the weather to be different in different altitudes as well. Keep in mind, that the temperature usually decreases by 1.2 - 1.9 ℃ (2.2 - 3.5 ℉) per 200 m (656 ft), depending on the other conditions. (And we should add, that in the very special condition named thermal inversion even the temperature may be higher in higher altitudes.)
Please, keep in mind, that this is not a weather forecast, but the information about the usual weather (average). This should help you to decide, when is the best time to go to Sweden. Read more details about the typical weather there in all individual months below:
January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December