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Usual weather in Anguilla

Do you need to know, when is the best time to go to Anguilla? Then you should take a look here, what weather you can expect there during the year.

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What weather to expect in Anguilla

The climate of Anguilla is tropical, but it is moderated by northeast winds. The weather is usually wet and dry, temperatures vary little throughout the year. Rainfall is erratic, it is hard to predict. Anguilla is vulnerable to hurricanes from June to November.

When speaking about the usual weather in this state, the information is relevant for example for these popular places: Anguilla.

Let's look now what weather you can expect in the area around the capital and in many other cities. The warmest month here is September, the average temperature is 29.1 ℃ (84.38 ℉). The coldest month here is February, the average temperature is 25.7 ℃ (78.26 ℉).

Please, keep in mind, that this is not a weather forecast, but the information about the usual weather (average). This should help you to decide, when is the best time to go to Anguilla. Read more details about the typical weather there in all individual months below:

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in January is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in January is 26.2 ℃ (79.16 ℉). At the beginning of January you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.3 ℃ (79.34 ℉). At the end of January you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 25.95 ℃ (78.71 ℉). The average rainfall is 62.3 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 11:03 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 11:09 and at the end of the month 11:19.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in February is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in February is 25.7 ℃ (78.26 ℉). At the beginning of February you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 25.95 ℃ (78.71 ℉). At the end of February you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 25.95 ℃ (78.71 ℉). The average rainfall is 43.7 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 11:19 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 11:32 and at the end of the month 11:47.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in March is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in March is 26.2 ℃ (79.16 ℉). At the beginning of March you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 25.95 ℃ (78.71 ℉). At the end of March you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.15 ℃ (79.07 ℉). The average rainfall is 44.1 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 11:47 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 12:02 and at the end of the month 12:18.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in April is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in April is 26.1 ℃ (78.98 ℉). At the beginning of April you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.15 ℃ (79.07 ℉). At the end of April you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.7 ℃ (80.06 ℉). The average rainfall is 66.3 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 12:18 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 12:33 and at the end of the month 12:46.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in May is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in May is 27.3 ℃ (81.14 ℉). At the beginning of May you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.7 ℃ (80.06 ℉). At the end of May you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 27.85 ℃ (82.13 ℉). The average rainfall is 93.9 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 12:46 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 12:58 and at the end of the month 13:07.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in June is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in June is 28.4 ℃ (83.12 ℉). At the beginning of June you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 27.85 ℃ (82.13 ℉). At the end of June you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 28.6 ℃ (83.48 ℉). The average rainfall is 61.7 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 13:07 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 13:12 and at the end of the month 13:12.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in July is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in July is 28.8 ℃ (83.84 ℉). At the beginning of July you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 28.6 ℃ (83.48 ℉). At the end of July you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 28.85 ℃ (83.93 ℉). The average rainfall is 76.4 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 13:12 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 13:07 and at the end of the month 12:58.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in August is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in August is 28.9 ℃ (84.02 ℉). At the beginning of August you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 28.85 ℃ (83.93 ℉). At the end of August you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 29 ℃ (84.2 ℉). The average rainfall is 96.6 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 12:58 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 12:46 and at the end of the month 12:32.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in September is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in September is 29.1 ℃ (84.38 ℉). At the beginning of September you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 29 ℃ (84.2 ℉). At the end of September you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 28.8 ℃ (83.84 ℉). The average rainfall is 132.2 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 12:32 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 12:17 and at the end of the month 12:02.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in October is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in October is 28.5 ℃ (83.3 ℉). At the beginning of October you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 28.8 ℃ (83.84 ℉). At the end of October you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 27.75 ℃ (81.95 ℉). The average rainfall is 109.1 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 12:02 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 11:47 and at the end of the month 11:33.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in November is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in November is 27 ℃ (80.6 ℉). At the beginning of November you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 27.75 ℃ (81.95 ℉). At the end of November you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.7 ℃ (80.06 ℉). The average rainfall is 131.1 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 11:33 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 11:20 and at the end of the month 11:10.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.


Typical (usual) weather in Anguilla in December is this: The average temperature in Anguilla in December is 26.4 ℃ (79.52 ℉). At the beginning of December you can expect higher temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.7 ℃ (80.06 ℉). At the end of December you can expect lower temperatures, the average highest temperature is around 26.3 ℃ (79.34 ℉). The average rainfall is 84.1 mm (look here, what this number means). When planning your travel, please, keep in mind, that actual weather may differ from these average values. The length of the day at the beginning of this month is approximately 11:10 (hours and minutes), in the middle of the month 11:04 and at the end of the month 11:02.These numbers above are valid primarily for the capital and the area around it.

When you read about the number of mm of rainfall, you should know this: Light rain is when the precipitation rate is less than 2.5 mm (0.1 in) per hour. For moderate rain this number is between 2.5 mm and 10 mm (0.4 in), for heavy rain it is 10 mm - 50 mm (2.0 in). Violent rain has this number higher than 50 mm per hour.